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OS quiz questions and answers for psc computer exam

The os quiz questions and answers are extremely important for the psc computer exam of both full and assistant level computer operator. the general public Service Commission (PSC) is asking more than 6 questions from the Operating System MCQ in various areas of computer operator exams.

This os quiz questions and answers contains 10 multiple choice questions from the OS chapter of computing. There are four options for all the questions. Identify one among them by clicking on the right answer. Your score will appear together. Click on the "Next" button to travel to the subsequent questions.

os-quiz-questions-and-answers-for-psc Operating System MCQ Quiz part-8

Operating System MCQ Quiz part-8


What is the Windows Operating System 

The Windows Operating System(os) is software that acts as an interface between a computer and a user. this is also called system software.

An OS may be a group of instructions that are stored during a memory device. And it's a gaggle of programs that manage the resources and operations of the pc.

The os quiz questions and answers

The os quiz questions and answers may be a collection of varied multiple-choice questions from the pc OS chapter. Oil corporation, timber corporation, khane pani, Nepal telecom, Nepal police, army, and native and state-level computer operator exam also asking quite 6 questions from this chapter.

We have published various MCQ online computer quizzes on The os quiz questions and answers, Networking, Windows, Fundamental of Computer, MS-Excel, PowerPoint, and Access, etc. Hope you all love it. If there's any confusion in any of the questions, please discuss the related post. Thanks!

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