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Computer fundamental questions MCQ quiz part-1

Computer fundamental questions are most important for every exam in computer science. The public service commission (Lok Sewa Aayog) is also asking questions about the fundamental of computers. In the contest of PSC Nepal, more than 14 questions have been asked from computer fundamental in assistant and full computer operator exam.

Fundamentals of Computer 

Science and technology have brought new and powerful science tools, called computers. "A computer is a man-made electronic device that provides accurate output for storage by performing various functions according to a given input." The computer can perform several tasks like calculational, logical and graphical, etc.

This online computer quiz contains 10 multiple choice questions from the Fundamentals of Computer chapter. Each question has four options and one of them is the correct answer. Identify the correct answer by clicking on the "?" button. Click on "Next" to go to the next question. Your score will appear together.

Fundamental-of-computer-quiz Computer fundamental questions quiz part-1

Computer fundamental questions quiz part-1


We have published various MCQ online computer quizzes on Computer fundamental questions, Word Process, Excel, PowerPoint, Ms. Access, Networking, etc. Hope you all like it. If there is a mistake in any of the questions please let us know by commenting on this post. Thanks!

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